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Acknowledgement for Robert Elwyn OWEN

Trearddur | Published in: Daily Post.

Griffith Roberts & Son Funeral Directors
Griffith Roberts & Son Funeral Directors
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Robert ElwynOWENDymuna Lorna, Dylan a Sarah ddiolch i bawb am bob arwydd o gydymdeimlad a ddangoswyd tuag atynt yn ystod eu profedigaeth o golli Elwyn. Diolch am y llu o gardiau, galwadau, ymweliadau ac am y rhoddion hael tuag at Elusen Ysbyty Calon Lerpwl. Diolch arbenning i'r Parch Neil Ridings a'r Parch Hugh V Jones am wasanaeth gwresog a theimladwy ac i Griffith Roberts a'i Fab, Preswylfa, Fali am eu trefniadau trylwyr a phroffessiynol.

Lorna, Dylan and Sarah would like to thank everyone for all the kindness and sympathy shown to them following their sad loss of losing Elwyn. Thank you for all the cards, phone calls and visits and the generous donations received, in Elwyn's memory, towards the Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital Charity. A special thank you to the Reverend Neil Ridings and Reverend Hugh V Jones for their dignified and caring service and to Griffith Roberts & Son, Preswylfa, Valley for their thorough and professional arrangements.
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3464 visitors
Published: 05/11/2024
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